The five elements of Taoist philosophy are the foundation of all things. They themselves are not actually elements, but transformative phases, called Wu-xing, overcoming one another in a cycle of constant change. Nothing ever dies; but progresses from one stage to the next. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

Feng shui uses the symbolic power of these five elements to bring the optimal balance of positive energy into a place. Using the Ba-gua, the feng shui energy compass, you can arrange the objects in a space to improve lucky energy and to enhance different aspects of your life. The five elements can also be used to exhaust, or weaken negative energy, therefore releasing problems such as bad relationships, poor health, or unhappiness.

Each element is connected with its own colors, shape, and direction. The different directions, and elements ruling them, correlate with life aspirations. Using the actual element itself, and its characteristics, items are placed throughout a space to maximize qi (the energy of the universe) flow. The keys to feng shui are balance, no one element should dominate the rest; and, ascetic appearance, the room should appear beautiful and comfortable, with feng shui decor pieces must work well with one another.

Wood is always the first element, the beginning of the cycle, just as wood is the beginning of life. This element's color is green, as well as blue. Its shape is a triangle, or anything tall and slender. The cardinal direction for wood is the east (family and health), but it also rules over the southeast (wisdom and prosperity). It is best to use live wood feng shui objects such as a shrub, or house tree, as opposed to wooden furniture, which is considered 'dead' energy. Green and/or tall slender objects strengthen wood energy as well, although for the most potent energy, the actual element is preferred. What does wood energy entail? The value of wood energy is humanity; the creative, social, ethical, and generous aspects of yourself.

Fire, the most yang of all the elements is a much more straightforward, intense element. It is impulsive, active, vibrant, and attractive energy. Fire is represented by red, bright oranges and yellows and a triangular shape. Its direction is the south (recognition and fame) and its value is courtesy. With fire, red colors work well, as well as candles, red lamps, any red art evoking fire energy.

Earth is the reliable, solid, patient element. Earthy colors, such as pale browns, tan and yellow represent earth. It is ruled by both the northeast (education and knowledge) and the southwest (marriage and romance), as well as the center (truthfulness). The earth element is best represented by square shapes. As with wood, earthy substances are the most potent ways to attract lucky energy. Clay, granite, even rocks and crystals work well.

Metal is represented by any metal, although it is always best to find rounded, pleasing shapes, as opposed to sharp pointy objects as metal energy can be both positive and negative. They symbolic shape for metal is a circle, and its colors are white and silver. The directions of metal are the west (children) and the northwest (helpful people).

Water is the most powerful element. Water can be gentle or destructive, so it should be used carefully. Feng shui water should always be clear and flowing, never stagnant. Its colors are black and blue, its shape is wavy. The direction of water is the north (career).

Each element either enhances or weakens another, so it is important to understand the relationship between the elements. Water nourishes wood, wood fuels fire, fire burns to ash for the earth, earth enhances metal, and metal nurtures water. This is called the productive cycle; causing the flow of energy to create a positive energetic environment. The five elements can also be used to quell too much of one element, or to exhaust overall negative energy, by using the destructive cycle - wood weakens earth, which absorbs water, which puts out fire, which melts metal, which weakens wood.

You can use the five elements theory to balance the energy of your space, using a deep understanding of the meaning and power of each element. It is important to design a feng shui room carefully, not simply throwing unattractive objects in different corners of your room and expecting results. Once you grasp the five element theory, you can implement the cycles of feng shui, ordering the elements in such a way to bring the lucky stars into your life.



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