The five elements theory has been used throughout China for centuries and is appreciated not only in Feng Shui, but also in other disciplines such as Chinese astrology, acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts.

The five elements represent different phases of Chi energy, and are associated with different colors, directions, climates, emotions and Feng shui remedies. These fundamental elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood, and are connected together in a cycle.

In Feng Shui, colors, building materials, compass sectors, and shapes all have an associated element, and in most situations, you will by trying to support a sector by using color and decorative objects.

The five elements and their associations are:

Fire: South

Color: Reds, pinks, sky blue, purple

Time of day: Noon

Season: Summer

Chi quality: Inspiration, activity, strength

Objects: bright lights, and candles.

Earth: South-west/north-west

Color: Yellows, creams, natural wood, beige and brown

Time of day: Afternoon

Season: Late summer

Chi quality: Allows Chi to settle and mature

Objects: Crystals, stone ornaments and vases.

Metal: West/north-west

Color: Whites, silver, grey, stainless steel, gold, chrome,

Time of day: Evening

Season: Autumn

Chi quality: Reflective, grounded

Objects: Electrical gadgets, computer, sound system, TV.

Water: North

Color: Dark blue, black

Time of day: Night

Season: Winter

Chi quality: Restful, quiet and profound but can stagnate and become cold

Objects: Water features, aquariums, images of water.

Wood: East/south-east

Color: Light green and dark greens

Time of day: Dawn

Season: Spring

Chi quality: Youth, stamina, ideas, activity, growth

Objects: Plants, flowers, money plant (Crassula Argenta).

To help you understand the dynamics of the five elements draw a circle with five marks evenly spaced around the circle starting at the top. The top mark represents fire, the next one moving clockwise is earth, then metal, followed by water and ending with wood. Also on this circle, between each element, mark with an arrow pointing clockwise and the word supports.

Now, starting at the element fire, draw a straight line directly to metal with an arrow pointing towards metal and write the word destroys, the next line, arrow and word destroys moves from metal to wood, next wood to earth, earth to water and water to fire. In the very center of the circle draw a Yin and Yang symbol for balance.

This diagram will help illustrate how the five elements are linked together within a cycle and also demonstrate their interconnecting relationships of support and hindrance.

There are three main relationships that occur within this cycle between each of the elements:

1. Supporting

The support cycle (the outer circle) shows Chi energy moving in a clockwise direction, the preceding element providing support for the next element, for instance, wood supports fire, earth supports metal and so on.

2. Draining

As each element supports the next, so it follows that the succeeding elements drain the energy from the preceding elements. Such as, earth is drained by metal, fire is drained by earth, water is drained by wood and so on around the circle.

3. Controlling

The destructive relationship between each one of the elements, as shown by the internal lines, happens when the movement of Chi is hindered from one element to another. For instance, metal can either destroy or control wood, in the same way as an axe is used to cut a tree. In turn, wood controls earth, earth controls water, water destroys fire and, fire destroys metal.

Using the Feng shui five elements theory

To apply the principles of the five elements theory in your home, first you need to identify the element of the room or sector with which you are dealing. For instance, by identifying a sector of your home as being in the east (wood), you could then use this element through the placement of a plant to strengthen that sector.

Another option is to include the supportive element (water) to energize the wood in the east. This could be done by hanging a framed picture of water in your hallway.

A very simple way of using the five element theory is to change the color of your front door. This is because the front door is the point at which Chi enters your home, and is of vital importance. To determine the most appropriate color for your door, you need to:

Firstly, find out the direction in which the back of your property sits. This will be the side which is furthest away from the front door and the main road ahead of your home.

Once you know this sector, place a small hand-held compass midway along the back interior wall of your property and note which direction the front of your property faces.

Now identify the element that supports the direction at the rear of your property. For example, if the back of your home faces north-east, the front would face south-west. The element from the north-east is earth and the element that will support this property is fire. Now you can choose one of the colors that are associated with the element of fire and incorporate it into the color of your front door.

Placing various types of images around your home is a simple and effective way to introduce one of the five elements to a particular room.

Here are a few ideas to help you choose an image.

Water: Choose pictures of stillness, and contemplation such as lakes or rives.

Wood: Images of trees, plants, flowers, also any photographs that evoke a sense of action or movement would be appropriate.

Fire: Use paintings that are colorful, passionate, extraordinary and modern.

Earth: Select images of landscapes or mountains.

Metal: Any artwork that involves plenty of fine detail with shades of grey, silver and white are suitable.

Continue applying the five elements theory to every room in your home and garden and enhance the environment you live in.



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